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In this issue we take a look at interest rates, bonds and the FTSE
In this issue we take a look at the FTSE, inflation and the budget
In this issue we take a look at the inflation and ISAs
In this issue we take a look at gifting your house, mitigating capital gains tax and inflation

UK News

Two-bedroom flats were listed for 35 days before the pandemic, but the average has dropped to 25 days.
Royal Mail's owner IDS said it had received a revised proposal of 370p a share from a Czech billionaire.
Consumer prices in the US rose 3.4% over the 12 months to April, easing from 3.5% a month earlier.
Patrick Bourke said he now regretted describing sub-postmasters as self-indulgent "malcontents".
From being first in the queue to being more flexible, here are some tips on how to get ahead in the rental race.